
Work depends on budget allocation: Prasad

January 30, 2023 12:12 pm

[File Photo]

The Fiji Roads Authority has addressed the issue of certain road workers who are not working or are not working consistently.

Chief Executive Kamal Prasad says this all depends on their budget and the completion of work.

He says they have progressed a lot in the past four months.

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“I think we’ve expanded about 65 to 70% of our budgets to deliver.” About 60% of our budget has been expanded. “And we’ve slowed down a little bit because usually, we are at about 45 to 50% of work done, like in our financial day cycle.”

Prasad says they also need to keep aside funds for cyclone period for unforeseen major damages incurred.

He adds that despite slow progress, they managed to complete over 65% of road works around the country.