
Ministry to provide new cattle breed to Navosa farmers

May 29, 2024 5:57 am

[Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Waterways Fiji/ Facebook]

Minister for Agriculture Vatimi Rayalu has announced that nine farmers from Navosa will be supplied with new cattle breeds to start their breeding program.

Rayalu says they are trying to revamp the beef industry in Fiji.

He adds that introducing the breeds will enable farmers to improve their cattle herd and contribute positively to the beef industry regarding quality meat.

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Agriculture Minister, Vatimi Rayalu [Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Waterways Fiji/ Facebook]

The Navosa Livestock Cooperative is in operation with three clusters.

Currently, there are 196 registered beef farms in Navosa, with 34 operating as commercial farms, 36 operating at a semi-commercial level, and a total of 126 subsistence farms.

The Ministry of Agriculture has been assisting the Navosa Livestock farmers over the years in terms of; stockyard material, nutrition improvement, fencing materials, and breeding stock.

Rayalu has assured farmers that there are long-term plans to carry out a whole makeover of cattle breeds in Fiji and also the formation of cattle associations depending on the breeds that they have.