
Elevating Fiji’s infrastructure vital: Dass

October 29, 2023 7:40 am

In a proactive move towards advancing infrastructure development in Fiji, the Fiji Engineers Association and Basic Industries Limited initiated a collaborative workshop aimed at deepening understanding in the realms of concrete science and technology.

Basic Industries Chief Executive Ritesh Dass says the company is poised to spearhead a new era of construction aligned with modern industry standards and innovations.

Speaking on the significance of the knowledge-sharing initiative, Dass emphasized the imperative need to evolve continually in the fields of concrete science and technology.

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“We believe that learning never stops. As engineers, industry partners, and stakeholders, we feel that we need to continue to enhance our knowledge in the areas of concrete science and technology. In discussion with the engineers and Fiji members, we felt that this session was important so that we could learn from the industry experts.”

Dass says the workshop provides a platform for collaboration and knowledge exchange to explore innovative practices and methodologies that could potentially revolutionize concrete construction in the country.

He adds that engagement with engineers and Fiji members is a deliberate effort to align strategies and best practices, fostering a collective understanding of what’s required and how it can be effectively implemented to elevate the industry.

According to the Chief Executive, the collaborative effort signals a positive step forward in the construction industry.