
$3m payment for Sharma hangs

February 12, 2024 5:22 pm

Attorney General Siromi Turaga has today indicated that there are some concerns regarding the ruling in the case of former Solicitor General Sharvada Sharma.

Sharma was suspended in 2021 after the former Supervisor of Elections, Mohammed Saneem, complained about his performance in the Nikolau Nawaikula case.

Following legal action, the court ruled in favor of Sharma and ordered the state to pay approximately $3 million in damages.

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Turaga admits that the government agrees Sharma’s termination by the previous administration was unlawful but is not in favor of the costs for damages that must be paid to the former SG.

“Normally in JR there is no payment for damages, the damages were not particularized that’s a very basic law, when you claim damages you must particularize what head, that was not done and somehow the court came up with this, so that’s the issue.”

Turaga says the decision to appeal is in the hands of the Judicial Services Commission.