
Refurbished Corner Cafe creates new jobs

February 13, 2024 12:06 pm

After months of anticipation, Jacks of Fiji reopened of its iconic Corner Cafe in the heart of Nadi.

Operations Manager Group of Restaurants Akosita Tuitoga says the cafe, an inception in 1993, will welcome patrons once again to a modern environment following extensive renovation.

Tuitoga says the decision to undergo renovations stemmed from a commitment to providing patrons with an enhanced dining experience while maintaining the cafe’s cherished traditions.

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She says the renovation took three months to complete.

“I would say we’ve changed a lot in terms of the ambiance, the menus, the offerings, we have the grab and go given how everyone is always in a rush, you can either sit down take your time and enjoy your meal or you come in grab something quickly food or drink and we have car parking facilities as well.”

The investment in the Corner Cafe has created 15 new jobs.