
Singh not equipped with facts on FSC CEO case: FICAC

January 13, 2023 6:40 am

[File Photo]

The Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption says the Minister for Sugar, Charan Jeath Singh is not fully equipped with the facts about investigations pertaining to the former Fiji Sugar Corporation Chief Executive.

FICAC says the Minister is merely relying on information received from his officials and third parties.

It says the ongoing investigations against former FSC CEO, Abdul Khan was consequent to an intelligence report by FICAC and not a complaint by FSC.

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FICAC says it is in the process of finalizing the investigations with the assistance of its international counterparts through the Office of the Attorney General.

It says all investigation materials, files and exhibits obtained during the investigations are safe and never went missing, as alleged by the Minister.

FICAC says they never requested FSC to resubmit files and these claims are untrue.

The Commission believes that the Minister was not fully apprised with facts about the case when he made those statements and it is unfortunate that his office failed to verify these information.

Earlier this week, the Minister revealed that FICAC has been handed documents from the Ministry of Sugar pertaining to alleged corrupt practices by former FSC CEO Abdul Khan.

The Minister says this as they want to further investigate the affairs of the former CEO as they have sufficient papers in their hands to prove there was massive corruption that occurred during his time at FSC.

FBC News has sent questions to the Minister for Sugar on this matter.