
Baleiwai given right to work

August 20, 2012 1:03 am

Former British Army soldier Isimeli Baleiwai has been granted the right to work in the UK.

Baleiwai received a letter from the Home Office on Friday stating that he can now work – but his case is still to be reviewed.

Three weeks ago – Balewai was informed that he can remain in the UK until December 29th , but has no right to work, access benefits and healthcare.
Veteran’s Aid – the charity group fighting for Baleiwai to remain in the UK has welcomed the move.

However – CEO Dr Hugh Milroy says the bigger matter – which is the granting of the citizenship – remains to be known.

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“Justice delayed is justice denied. So – even still waiting for the final letter.. I think it is an outrageous situation that they are being denied justice…but its clear that the Home Office and the UK Border Agency are moving.”

Baleiwai was initially denied UK citizenship and told to leave the UK on August 9th – due to a disciplinary offence while he was serving in the British Army.

Dr Milroy is optimistic of a good outcome in Baleiwai’s case.

“It’s quite a difficult situation but still I think for the Baleiwai family – I think it will work.”

Close to 27,000have signed the online petition to stop Baleiwai from being deported.