
Toddler perishes in house fire

February 27, 2024 4:44 pm

[Source: Supplied]

A two-year-old child is the country’s first fire fatality this year.

The National Fire Authority says the incident happened in Vunikoka, Seaqaqa, in the Northern Division.

It says the remains of the child were discovered following the fire that destroyed the house.

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[Source: Supplied]

It’s believed that two children, a two-year-old and a three-year-old, were inside the house when the fire broke out.

The three-year-old managed to escape safely, while the two-year-old was trapped inside.

[Source: Supplied]

The NFA says the initial information gathered was that the two children were left on their own at home while their parents had gone to the hospital.

It adds that when the team got to the site, the three-bedroom house was fully engulfed in flames.

[Source: Supplied]

The neighbor’s tried to call for assistance, but there was no electricity or phone network available during the day,

The NFA says the house sustained 90% damage.

Investigations have started to determine the probable cause of the fire.