
Residents urged to seek resolution through dialogue

January 24, 2024 5:53 am

[Source: Ministry of Lands and Mineral Resources / Facebook]

Minister for Lands Filimoni Vosarogo called on members of the Navacoko Settlement near Naboro to engage in open dialogue and seek internal solutions to conflicts within their community, rather than relying on government intervention.

Minister Vosarogo’s remarks came during a recent consultation with the community, held in response to a request for assistance in resolving ongoing disagreements between the Church of the Poor, who hold the lease on the settlement land, and other residents who are not affiliated with the church.

He stressed on the importance of open communication and understanding as the key to resolving internal disputes.

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Land Minister Filimoni Vosarogo

The Minister’s visit to Navacoko is part of a two-day tour through Central and Western divisions.