
Increased calls for counseling on toll free number

October 22, 2021 9:25 am

Empower Pacific says the number of calls for counseling jumped higher following the launch of toll-free helpline number videos.

Chief Executive, Patrick Morgam, says they received 334 calls in August, and 538 calls in the first two weeks of September.

Morgam says they receive more than 60 calls on a busy day.

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In May this year, in the midst of the devastating impact of COVID-19 and Delta variant hitting communities, Empower Pacific made the helpline more accessible by providing the toll-free number with funding support from the Governments of Australia and New Zealand.

Morgam says with anxiety, stress, and financial hardships, people called in to talk about the difficulties they are facing in their day-to-day survival.

They received calls from parents concerning children’s drug abuse, women suffering from domestic violence, single mothers, individuals protecting family members with disabilities from COVID-19.

The phone counseling service was also extended to help persons in quarantine and isolation facilities cope with their immediate stress and anxiety in that stressful situation.