New Zealand consultant Dr Rajen Prasad
The delay in responses by various ministries to people is one of the major concerns raised during the consultations regarding the proposed framework of the Ministry of Multi-Ethnic Affairs.
New Zealand consultant Dr Rajen Prasad says that this issue was raised constantly during the 40 consultations they undertook, which signals the need for the Ministry to respond effectively and efficiently to emails, calls, and inquiries made by vulnerable Fijians.
Dr Prasad says this is critical given that delayed responses make people feel excluded.
“People say we go to government departments, we write letters but nobody answers, but you know this is like we are not at the table, we don’t get consulted. So there was a major issue around government ministries. Government departments respond to the needs of the people, and that was important. When those kinds of things happened, people said, You know, we don’t belong anymore.”
Dr Prasad says another interesting issue raised is the need to rebuild trust between the government and the people.
He adds that the proposed framework helps to build social cohesion amongst Fijians and pave the way forward for Fiji.