
MGM banks on juniors

March 15, 2024 6:21 am

Mahatma Gandhi Memorial High School is relying on their sub-junior and junior girls to make the difference for them at the zone and Fiji Finals this year.

Speaking to FBC Sports, MGM Vice Principal Rageshwar Prasad says their youngsters have been diligently training under Antonio Raboiliku’s Royals Club and are determined to improve from where they finished last year.

Prasad says the athletes have received guidance from some professionals in the field and demonstrated outstanding performances in the school inter-house yesterday.

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“Our athletes are training in the Royals Club owned by Master Antonio Rabuiliku but our coach is Waliki Satakala. He is the man behind the team and as you can see our athletes are doing well.”

He adds they have already set their goal, which is to secure second place this year.

MGM has been training since the first day of school.