
Traditional knowledge critical for ocean preservation

May 12, 2024 4:25 pm

[Source: Ambassade de France aux Fidji - France in Fiji/ Facebook]

The French Embassy in Fiji, in partnership with Ocean Eco Alliance and the Fiji Museum, has organized a discussion on “Can Fijian traditions serve as modern solutions for ocean conservation?”

French Ambassador to Fiji, François-Xavier Léger, says the discussions reflect the crucial intersection of traditional knowledge and modern scientific inquiry.

Leger says France is committed to enhancing ocean governance and strengthening international cooperation.

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“Since we are facing huge challenges on how we can deal with the impacts of climate change on the ocean, to tackle this challenge, we have to talk about traditional knowledge and see how transitional knowledge and science can join hands together to try to fight against the impacts of climate change on people.”

Leger says through these discussions; people will be able to get their answers on the contemporary issues surrounding climate change.