
PM to present initiatives to ensure sustainable future

September 19, 2023 11:10 am

Prime Minister, Sitiveni Rabuka at the UNGA78 SDG Summit.

Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka’s attendance at the United Nations General Assembly’s high-level meeting on Sustainable Development Goals shows Fiji’s strong dedication to the SDGs and ensuring no one is left behind.

The annual summit, is a pivotal event for global leaders to evaluate the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.

This year’s summit is significant as it represents a comprehensive year-in-review of SDG progress worldwide.

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Prime Minister, Sitiveni Rabuka at the UNGA78 SDG Summit.

Fiji is working towards strengthening implementation, addressing data gaps, and transforming its development program by placing its people’s needs and aspirations at the core of policy-making.

Fiji faces unique challenges and opportunities in its SDG journey.

Rabuka’s participation at the summit will shed light on Fiji’s experiences, strategies, and innovative solutions in the context of sustainable development.

Rabuka says Fiji has made significant strides in various areas and also acknowledges the work that lies ahead.

He stresses that our commitment to putting people first is not just a slogan; but a guiding principle in our national development agenda.