
More arrests expected as drug seizure investigation continues

January 31, 2024 12:58 pm

Assistant Commissioner of Police Crime, ACP Mesake Waqa

While thirteen individuals are facing legal action for their alleged involvement in the massive two-billion-dollar methamphetamine discovery in Nadi, authorities warn that the investigation is far from over.

Assistant Commissioner of Police Crime, ACP Mesake Waqa, confirms the ongoing investigation, stating they are working closely with foreign partners, including the Australian Police and anticipate additional arrests.

Australian Border Force Superintendent Uriah Turner says they will provide support and ensure that illicit drugs do not either get in the country or get out of the country.

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“We know that a lot of drugs do get sent from other countries and a lot of times due to the prices that people are willing to pay, a lot of it is destined to countries such as Australia and New Zealand so in relation to this particular detection our response has been led by Australian Federal Police who works with Police Force counterparts by sharing intelligence.”

Superintendent Turner says they are also looking at threats to the borders.

“Fiji does have a complex maritime border to look after, it’s something that’s quite a challenge, syndicates obviously work to try and bring drugs around the country so it is quite a difficult job, what I would say is we are here to support Police and Customs colleague in relation to their investigation.”

The police are also actively pursuing information regarding the involvement of additional local and foreign individuals tied to known syndicates.