
Minister commissions water project in Ra

February 19, 2024 6:18 am

[Source: Fiji Government/Facebook]

The villagers and students of Namara, in the province of Ra, have acknowledged the government for their timely assistance in funding the Fulton Primary School water project worth $160,000 that will also benefit the Naqaqa SDA Primary School.

This is part of the government’s continuous commitment towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goal, which is access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene for all.

Marama ni Yavusa Sereima Bainivalu highlights that the school has been facing water supply challenges for a long time and acknowledges the Minister for traveling miles to commission the project as a sign of hope.

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“Thank you for coming this far and seeing for yourself the challenges and struggles that rural communities have to face on a daily basis. This is the reality of what is happening here. I know that you will now be able to understand our plea.”

Minister for Public Works, Ro Filipe Tuisawau, agrees that leaders should do more field visits and see the reality of the issues faced by rural communities.

[Source: Fiji Government/Facebook]

“This is the first time for me to access this road and come this far, and I know it’s always best for cabinet members and for us in high authority to come down at ground level and see for ourselves the challenges faced by the people. It always makes a change.”

Ro Filipe adds that the government will continue to work towards having proper water access in all rural and maritime communities despite the limitations in government budget allocation.

[Source: Fiji Government/Facebook]

The government is also focusing on projects that will benefit children, women, and the elderly, who are mostly vulnerable to the improper infrastructure and issues faced in rural communities.