[Source: Supplied]
Fiji continues to be the second fastest growing HIV epidemic in the Asia and the Pacific region.
Regional Director of UNAIDS Asia Pacific and Eastern Europe Central Asia Eamonn Murphy says that the recently released data by the Ministry of Health indicates persons living with HIV’s reluctance to receive care.
He adds that there must be a deliberate effort to not only strengthen health systems, but to respond to the unique needs of the most affected populations, including people who use drugs.
Murphy states that perpetuating prejudice against any group will only slow progress and people must be able to access the information, services and support they require.
The Regional Director of UNAIDS Asia Pacific say that rising new infections in Fiji put the entire Pacific region at risk.
He states the additional concern is that over half of all people living with HIV who are aware of their status are not on treatment.
He adds that UNAIDS will continue to support the generation of strategic information, technical planning, program innovation and resource mobilization as Fiji plans to prevent new infections and ensure people living with HIV benefit from life-saving services.
Since the sexual transmission of HIV remains a significant factor, Murphry says that other key approaches are condom distribution and pre-exposure prophylaxis or PrEP and if PrEP treatment taken by an HIV-negative person can reduce the risk of contracting HIV if they are exposed.
UNAIDS HIV Adviser in Fiji Renata Ram say that HIV treatment is effective. It not only keeps people living with HIV healthy, but can help prevent new infections.
She adds that every Fijian has a part to play by making our homes, communities, schools, workplaces and places of worship, spaces that support and care for people rather than shame and exclude them.