[Source: Fiji Police Force/ Facebook]
A meeting to strengthen counter-narcotics efforts in Fiji and the region was held today at the Police Headquarters yesterday.
The meeting was held between Acting Commissioner of Police Juki Fong Chew and the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, USA Lisa Johnson.
Johnson was accompanied by other officials from the US government.
Discussions revolved around capacity-building efforts towards counter-narcotics as well as its associated crimes.
[Source: Fiji Police Force/ Facebook]
Johnson stresses International Narcotics is keen to work with Fiji Police to combat trafficking not just of drugs, but also because drug traffickers use the same route for trafficking of other things, like people, wildlife products, illegal fishing, and money laundering.
She adds that INL is largely in the capacity-building business, and since Fiji already has a lot of support from the Australian Federal Police and New Zealand Police, they want to work closely with them to avoid any duplication.
Johnson says the emergence of new types of drugs, presents a new set of challenges for the public and law enforcement.
She adds the labs are small and harder to detect and the real challenge is to go after the production
Acting Commissioner of Police Juki Fong Chew says the Force is looking forward to working together through training and other capacity-building programs with INL and other US law enforcement agencies.