
Cooperation arrangements to boost military engagements

February 1, 2023 12:30 pm

[File Photo]

Cooperation arrangements with New Zealand, Kiribati, and the Melanesian Spearhead Group were among the key decisions discussed in a cabinet meeting this week.

Speaking at the press conference today, Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka says the agreement will reflect on defense cooperation between Fiji and its Western allies.

Rabuka says this will allow defense personnel from the two countries to undertake exchanges, through deployments and joint exercises.

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“Fiji will benefit, as we have in the past, immensely from these military exchanges in terms of exposure of your troops to New Zealand’s military training methods and standards, interoperability, and understanding military doctrine; obtaining funding support; facilitating the engagement of experts; and acquiring skills and exposure to new military equipment and hardware that are not otherwise available.”

Rabuka highlights that the agreement will also recognize the shared interest in enhancing security cooperation to meet common challenges and maintain a secure, sovereign, and region.