
Council lobbies to 'Name and Shame' unethical traders

February 6, 2024 6:20 am

The Consumer Council of Fiji is in discussions with the Ministry of Trade and Commerce to ‘name and shame’ traders who are habitual offenders.

Chief Executive, Seema Shandil, says retailers will be given a period to improve themselves, and if they continue to re-offend, their names will be publicized.

Despite ongoing discussions with these retailers, Shandil says they continue to engage in unethical practices.

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“We can give them a chance, at least five opportunities to improve themselves, have a continuous discussion. Should they not improve, then we have the liberty to name and shame these traders so that the people out there, the consumers out there know that they should not engage with them because they have the potential to lose their hard-earned.”

Shandil adds this has been a major challenge for some time, expressing hope that discussions with the Ministry of Trade will bring positive outcomes.