
Mar keeps head high despite physical challenge

January 24, 2024 6:54 am

18-year-old Taekwondo athlete Irene Mar will not let a physical challenge dampen her love for the sport.

Mar, a former Mahatma Gandhi Memorial School student, has a missing nerve in her arm, affecting its movement.

The Vanualevu lass says that she is not letting anything get to her, especially her disability.

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“My strengths are in my legs that’s why I am able to do this sport.. Most people have told me that it’s ok that I don’t have this arm working but I can still do everything with my legs.”

Mar says she is simply excited about the opportunity to learn and gain more insights.

“I’m looking forward to learning more skills from other Pacific islanders, from our brothers and sisters so we are looking forward to learning more skills and develop our skills as well.”

She adds their two-week training in the Solomon Islands is an important opportunity that will hold a special place in the heart of Fiji Taekwondo.

Mar along with three other Taekwondo athletes, set off last Sunday for the training in the Solomon Islands.

This training is geared towards providing them valuable guidance on the dos and don’ts for the upcoming Olympic Qualifiers.