
Chaudhry salutes Ratu Sukuna

May 30, 2024 5:36 am

[File Photo]

Fiji Labour Party Leader, Mahendra Chaudhry says Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna was a distinguished leader and a far-sighted visionary who believed the way forward for Fiji was through peaceful co-existence.

As Fiji gears up to celebrate Ratu Sukuna Day tomorrow, Chaudhry says Ratu Sukuna was held in high esteem by people of all races, including the colonial administrators who sought his counsel widely on matters affecting the iTaukei.

He says Ratu Sukuna was a skilful administrator who left a legacy of at least three landmark policies or legislation with far-reaching consequences for the iTaukei as well as the nation.

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Chaudhry says Ratu Sukuna is believed to be the main proponent of the Native Lands Ordinance 1940 which set up the Native Lands Trust Board (now TLTB) entrusted with the administration of all native lands.

He states Ratu Sukuna is renowned also for his policy on “the three-legged stool” believing that the Vanua, the church and the government must work together in ensuring the well-being of the indigenous people as well as the nation.

Chaudhry adds Ratu Sukuna’s commitment to multi-racialism may well go back to his childhood days when he grew up intermingling with Indian children at the Wairuku Indian Primary School in Rakiraki.

He says it is well known that Ratu Sukuna had close relations with Indian leaders in his time.