
Look out for Ono-i-Lau: Tupou

April 11, 2023 6:32 am

[Source: Cricket Fiji/ Facebook]

Suva Warriors captain Seru Tupou believes Ono-i-Lau will be a team to be reckoned with in upcoming tournaments.

Ono-i-Lau gave Suva a good run for its money but the Capital City side held on to clinch an 11-run win.

Tupou says their opponents showed a lot of potential and should be one to look out for.

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“Yes, they gave us a good game. Most of them came from the Island. They have a lot of good, young players. I think if they come next year, they should be the team to look out for. So, they can go rebuild, assess their weakness and come strong next year.”

[Source: Cricket Fiji/ Facebook]

Tupou says the tournament was a good platform for new and younger players a platform to showcase their talent.

Suva dedicated the win to their families.