
Ratuniyarawa cops jail term for sexually assaulting women

January 10, 2024 10:34 am

Api Ratuniyarawa [File Photo]

Fijian international rugby player Api Ratuniyarawa has been jailed for sexually attacking three women in the VIP area of a bar in Cardiff on three consecutive nights.

Ratuniyarawa has been sentenced to two years and 10 months for two charges of assault by penetration and one charge of sexual assault.

37-year-old Ratuniyarawa, who represented Fiji more than 30 times, was in the Welsh capital preparing to play for the Barbarians invitational club against Wales when the assaults took place.

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According to The Guardian the women, who were all 19, told Cardiff crown court that the attacks, which happened in an area earmarked for Ratuniyarawa and teammates, had left them deeply traumatised and fearful.

When he was arrested at the Hilton hotel he told police he had never been in trouble before and was only being “fun and friendly”.

But Ratuniyarawa’s barrister told the court that the father of four was now deeply apologetic and ashamed of his crimes, which spelled the end of his career.

The court was told that the first victim tried to push Ratuniyarawa away when he put his hand down her trousers but couldn’t because he was so much bigger.

The second knew he was a famous rugby player and much stronger. Ratuniyarawa touched her breast and bottom.

The third suffered bleeding and stomach cramps after he sexually assaulted her.

Ratuniyarawa was the first to leave his village in Fiji to play rugby abroad.

He lived in a village in Northamptonshire and had four children with one more on the way.