
Ba fired up for tough Skipper season

February 22, 2024 12:29 pm

[Source: Ba Rugby Union/Facebook]

Ba Rugby Secretary Gabriel Kautoga says the team is anticipating a tough season to mark their return to the Skipper Cup competition after 26 years.

The team hasn’t stopped training since the end of last season’s Vodafone Vanua Cup.

Kautoga says the team is ready for a thriller season and have put in the work to start this season strong.

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“There’s a lot of excitement in the camp right now and after 26 years to be part of this Skipper Cup and coming up to the major Union. People are excited to come up and witness the first ever game for quite a while.”

[Source: Ba Rugby Union/Facebook]

He says the team is aware of what to expect from Skipper Cup champions Suva, who are their first opponents.

One of the team’s main focus is on refining their forwards, ensuring they’re well-prepared to counter Suva on game day.

Ba faces Suva on Saturday at 3pm.

The match will be held at Suva’s Bidesi Park.