
Lautoka wins CVC

February 4, 2024 5:05 pm

Tigers Lautoka is the Pillay Garments Champion vs Champion winner following a 2-all draw with Ba at Churchill Park.

Lautoka’s 2-1 win last week was the difference despite the draw today.

The Men In Black gave everything and hoped for a win but their best was not enough.

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Ba was the first on the board after 30 minutes when Solomon Islander Darold Kakasi tapped the ball in following a lapse of concentration in the penalty box by Lautoka defenders.

However, just five minutes later top marksman Sairusi Nalaubu connected with a corner kick and timed it perfectly through a beautiful header.

The match was locked at 1-all at the break.

Lautoka extended its lead in the 64th minute when Sitiveni Cavuilagi scored.

Just when everything was going Lautoka’s way, Suliano Taukeinikoro equalized via a penalty close to fulltime.