
SPBD to open new branch

May 26, 2024 4:01 pm

South Pacific Business Development will be opening their 10th branch in Nausori next month.

This was announced by the SPBD Director and General Manager Elrico Munoz, while celebrating their $100 million loan disbursement milestone.

He says the aim behind the establishment is to expand their services to the people.

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“Will serve basically the province of Tailevu, so it will not start with zero because all the women’s groups that we are assisting in Tailevu North will be their initial members. So there’s already about 1100 members there and around 40 village-based groups.”

Munoz adds that they will also create employment opportunities for people.

“A team of four center managers and one back office staff, all coming from Nausori, because that’s also good because our people living in Nausori will not have to go to Suva to get employment. Just as our members in Tailevu North will not have to travel as far as Suva, they will be just served in our Nausori branch.”

SPBD Board Director Lorraine Seeto says their main objective is to help and support vulnerable groups.

“For the underprivileged and vulnerable, these are the people who will find it very difficult to get a loan from the formal sector, so the way we are organized, we are able to help these people as we help them with training and help them with business plans.”

SPBD is willing to create a network of financially self-sufficient and scalable micro-enterprise development organizations throughout the South Pacific.