
Radio a medium for diversity

February 13, 2024 12:47 pm

Radio personnel celebrating World Radio Day today

Radio has the power to reach the audience faster and it is a medium that has transcended many decades.

In this digital age, radio remains a preferred medium for many Fijians to get information.

The 13th of February has been designated by UNESCO as World Radio Day and the theme for this year is: Radio: A century informing, entertaining and educating.

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Fijian Broadcasting Corporation’s Gold FM Breakfast Show Host, Geraldine Sen, says there is a lot of diversity that she has experienced over the years.

“We have seen a diverse number of people come in, all different backgrounds, all different ages, all different works of life and that definitely means that the flavor that we bring in radio through our shows collectively through our 6 radio stations at FBC it caters to everyone out there.”

While Miliki Lagi the program host of Radio Fiji Ones ‘Na Liga Maqosa’ says there is gender balance in their programs because they have something for everyone.

“I can say that it is balanced, men women and also children they listen to Radio Fiji one because we have got programs that carter to them for men, women and children.”

World Radio Day is an opportunity to celebrate radio as a medium to access information and practice freedom of expression.

The FBC Radio team wishes everyone a Happy World Radio Day