
Police urge vigilance on supervision of children

June 5, 2024 4:09 pm

Acting Commissioner of Police Juki Fong Chew is urging parents and guardians to remain vigilant on the supervision of children, considering the incidences of drowning that has been reported so far this year.

The drowning death toll currently stands at 19, compared to 29 for the same period last year.

Chew emphasized that laxity is often the cause of such tragedies.

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“I think this year, I think there’s an increase. I don’t have the stats with me to confirm that, but sometimes people too are careless, you know, despite the advisory, you know. Usually when the school holidays are looming, we always put our advisory, especially the younger generation, when they are older, and they should be supervised, you know, 24-7.”

Chew acknowledges the ongoing effort to raise awareness on child safety and security, with the campaign carried out by their community policing teams.

“The police have been doing those awareness. To the schools, before the school break, our team was out there, community policing, and even before police goes out, they are already advising us there, on various platforms.”

Chew says the media has also played a crucial role in amplifying these warnings, to help raise awareness on drowning and other cases concerning the safety and security of children.