[Source: Water Authority of Fiji/Facebook]
The Water Authority of Fiji has reported a significant pinhole fault.
This is at headworks 3 to Tamavua Water Treatment Plant raw water pipeline at Ki Street in Wailoku.
WAF states it has caused reduced inflow into Tamavua plant as of 8:30 last night.
The Tamavua WTP will receive a reduced inflow of 51 megalitres per day, equating to a 32 per cent reduction compared to the regular inflow of 75 megalitres, impacting production and service delivery this morning.
The following impacted are Tamavua WTP Reservoir, Upper Princes Road, Upper Ragg Avenue, Namadi, Mead Road, Upper and Lower Samabula Area, Rewa Street, Delainavesi, Lami Village, Upper Lami Town, Qauia, Veisari, Waiqanake, Belinaiveli, Monfort, Togalevu, Wailoku, Raiwasa, Nabua, Ratu Mara Road, Gaji, Kula, Kaka, Kanavi, Belo, Nailuva, Ritova, Matanitobua, Talasiga.
Along the Shipping Reservoir are Walu Bay, Rokobili, Korovou Prison, Tamavua-I-Wai and Lovunilase area.
Other areas that will also be affected are the Toorak Reservoir, Amy Street, Augustus, High Street, Spring Street, Knolly Street and upper Toorak.
The fault area is being isolated and will be inspected as soon as possible to determine the extent of damage before repairs are carried out.