
NFP hits out at Tabuya

May 29, 2024 4:45 pm

The National Federation Party has hit out at Minister for Women, Children and Social Protection Lynda Tabuya.

In a statement this afternoon, NFP claims that Tabuya levelled allegations against NFP and its leader Professor Biman Prasad by way of comment in some news agency.

This after the NFP parliamentarians voted against the emoluments committee report to increase the salary and allowances of members of parliament.

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NFP General Secretary Kamal Iyer says the allegations are for the most part false, possibly defamatory and in some cases breach Cabinet confidentiality.

He says the NFP Leader will not respond to those allegations without also breaching Cabinet confidentiality, which he will not do.

Iyer says Tabuya’s outburst is unbecoming of a Cabinet Minister and breaches the good faith obligations of the Coalition Agreement which binds the parties in Government.

He adds that NFP will be writing to the People’s Alliance Party about her conduct.

We are trying to get Tabuya for a comment.