Pacific Games

Touch rugby to refocus and regroup for next Pacific Games

November 30, 2023 4:38 pm

[Source: Team Fiji/Facebook]

The Fiji touch rugby team will have to wait another four years to compete for the gold medal at the Pacific Games.

Team manager Koila Kabu expresses that the goal was to claim the gold medal in both the men’s and women’s categories, as would be the aim of any country participating in a competition.

However, Kabu says the team is content to have secured the bronze medal in the men’s and women’s competition, while games in the mixed category are still underway.

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“We are elated with the bronze medals both for the men’s and women’s knowing that we had a lot of dynamics behind the preparation to the Pacific Games of 2023.”

On a positive note, Kabu is pleased that they have more than 50 percent of young players in the squad.

She says the inclusion of young players bodes well for the future of the sport.