
Prasad reflects on Ratu Sukuna’s achievements

May 27, 2023 12:38 pm

Deputy Prime Minister, Professor Biman Prasad

Deputy Prime Minister, Professor Biman Prasad says as a nation we need to find a balance that is workable, relevant and fit-for-purpose.

Professor Prasad says most of all, this balance should unify us as people.

Speaking at the leadership Conference in Lami yesterday, Prasad stressed there is no greater time then now when Fijians are reflecting and draw upon the example of Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna’s exemplary leadership.

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He says Ratu Sukuna was without a doubt, the embodiment of chiefly authority and wisdom.

Professor Prasad says Ratu Sukuna’s selfless service is illustrated as he convinced the customary landowners that they needed an institution to protect their land from being exploited.

And this resulted in the establishment of the Native Land Trust Board – the Trustee authority of all native land in Fiji.

Professor Prasad further states that if Ratu Sukuna did not have the foresight to set-up the system of i-Taukei registration that is the Vola Ni Kawa Bula, which was closely aligned to i-Taukei land custodianship records, then the land would not have been developed to benefit our economy.

He says Ratu Sukuna was a visionary when it came to politics and both personally and posthumously mentored those who later became household names in Fiji.