
Women participation should be a priority: Tabuya

December 7, 2023 11:13 am

Women Minister Lynda Tabuya [Source: Fiji Government/ Facebook]

Women and girls are powerful agents of change who can contribute to the ambitious action needed to limit the global temperature increase to 1.5 degrees.

This has been highlighted by Minister for Women Lynda Tabuya while addressing the panellists and partners during a discussion in Dubai on gender-responsive climate financing for a ‘Just Transition’.

Tabuya says the participation and representation of women and girls should be a top priority in efforts to build community resilience, with equal and inclusive involvement in mitigation and adaptation.

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[Source: Fiji Government/ Facebook]

She adds that despite creating an enabling environment, the urgency for simplified access to climate finance for a just transition cannot be overstated.

Tabuya adds that we need to ensure that policy commitments are backed by consistent and scalable investments and direct financing.

The Minister informed the panel that Fiji fully recognizes that the shift towards a low-carbon economy must be inclusive, leaving no one behind.