
Secure vehicles to prevent theft warns police

December 10, 2023 12:17 pm

[Source: istock]

Vehicle owners are reminded not to be complacent about the security of their property.

This reminder comes after a motor vehicle was allegedly stolen in the Central Division this morning.

Police say that the taxi driver had left the keys in the ignition and went inside the taxi base to check something.

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Divisional Police Commander Central, SP Farasiko Matawalu, states that when the driver returned a few minutes later, he found his vehicle missing.

The vehicle was later found abandoned in Nasese, Suva.

SP Matawalu is calling on owners to secure their vehicles at all times, as opportunists will take advantage of one’s laxity.

In anticipation of the influx of people into the Capital City during the festive season, SP Matawalu emphasizes that people must not be complacent with their personal safety and security.

He mentions that officers on patrol have come across vehicles with the windows down or valuables visible to passersby.

SP Matawalu is requesting the public to work with the police by being conscious of their personal safety and security at all times.