
PSC initiates review of OMRS

February 23, 2024 4:54 pm

PSC Chair Luke Rokovada

Discussions are underway to review the Open Merit Recruitment System for civil servants.

Public Service Commission Chair Luke Rokovada highlighted as he emphasized the necessity to reassess the OMRS to guarantee its efficacy, relevance, and equitable application across all civil service sectors.

Rokovada notes a growing demand among civil servants for a comprehensive pay review across various government sectors.

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“The Public Service Association has also called for that, the Nursing Association has called for that, some work has already been done on the nurses. I think they have addressed some of the anomalies that were in existence before but for pay review, I think everybody expects a pay review.”

Rokovada says the Public Service Commission is actively exploring the regularization of long-acting appointments within government ministries and departments.

The PSC Chair adds that this meticulous process aims to secure the retention of highly skilled and experienced civil servants.

He reassures that the government remains committed to fostering an appealing work environment by continually working towards providing competitive pay packages.

Rokovada says this commitment is aimed at attracting individuals interested in joining the civil service.