
Prasad emphasizes realism in National Development Planning

February 21, 2024 11:57 am

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for National Development, Professor Biman Prasad.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for National Development, Professor Biman Prasad, says it is important that the National Development Plan is realistic and that all initiatives are backed by the required financial resources.

Speaking on the formulation of a new three-year, five-year, and 20-year NDP, Prasad states that the plan should not over-promise or raise expectations higher than it can deliver.

Prasad says it is crucial to set expectations at the right level.

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The Deputy Prime Minister adds that while setting timelines and targets are critical, they must be based on the financial resources that are available and implementation capacity.

Meanwhile, the Head of Strategic Office within the Ministry of Finance, Strategic Planning, National Development & Statistics, Kamal Krishnan Gounder, stated that a national development plan has to be centred on the people and must be inclusive.