Natural Disaster

Coastal inundation alert issued

May 29, 2024 10:37 am

The Nadi Weather Office has issued a coastal inundation alert for all low-lying coastal areas of Southern Viti Levu and nearby small islands.

It also includes the Southern Lau Group, effective immediately. The affected areas include Beqa, Vatulele, Lomaiviti and Kadavu.

The Office states that this is a result of a high-pressure system located far to the Southwest of Fiji which is generating low to moderate swells. These swells are expected to intensify from Friday, potentially leading to coastal inundation in southern Fiji’s low-lying coastal regions.

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Residents and visitors in the southern parts of Viti Levu as well as the southern coastal areas of Vatulele, Kadavu, Beqa and nearby smaller islands along with the Lomaiviti, Central and Southern Lau Groups are advised to prepare for coastal sea flooding, particularly during high tides.

The inundation is likely to bring debris onto low-lying coastal areas, especially during periods of high tide.

Fijians are urged to remain vigilant and take necessary precautions to ensure safety.