
GCC reinstatement boosts iTaukei traditions and leadership

January 15, 2024 12:54 pm

[File Photo]

The reintroduction of the Great Council of Chiefs has not only led to the filling of vacant chiefly titles but has also sparked a revival of iTaukei customs and traditions.

Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka while speaking on Radio Fiji One’s “Na Noda Paraiminisita” program, highlighted the significance of the GCC in preserving and promoting the iTaukei culture and traditions.

Rabuka expresses regret that there was no GCC for the past 16 years, leading to a gap in knowledge among the younger generation about the institution’s role in handling iTaukei affairs.

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Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka [File Photo]

He stresses the importance of GCC representatives working closely with their communities to ensure awareness of traditions and culture, essential for the prosperity of Fijian land.

“It is crucial for the representatives of the GCC to work closely with their people on all iTaukei affairs so that Fijians are aware of all the traditions and culture that Fiji is well known for.”

The coalition government has approved all legislation related to the GCC and is committed to rebuilding the GCC complex, which was tragically burnt down in 2019.

Rabuka emphasizes the reconstruction is a priority, and if not completed in time, alternative venues like paid halls or the gymnasium can host the GCC meeting, ensuring it takes place this year.

The GCC meeting, according to Rabuka, plays a vital role as its members provide constructive points and suggestions to the government for consideration in the administration of the country.