
Fiji to trial new EV leasing model

May 30, 2024 2:45 pm

[Source: Supplied]

A pilot project will be trialed in Fiji looking to establish a new commercial electric vehicle leasing model.

This as ZekiTek Pty Ltd, a Queensland-based renewable energy technology and electrical charging systems manufacturer, has partnered with the Australian Government’s Market Development Facility.

This partnership aims to establish a business case for local companies to switch to a new EV commercial leasing model, eliminating upfront capital costs and enabling them to enjoy expected cost savings on fuel and maintenance.

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[Source: Supplied]

ZekiTek Founder, Rikesh Ram says they are laying the foundation for EV charging infrastructure around Viti Levu and have imported an E-Van from Australia to conduct a six-month pilot trial.

The trial will showcase the commercial feasibility and environmental benefits of electric vehicles.

[Source: Supplied]

The Pacific Island Countries and Territories fossil fuel imports cost the region approximately USD6 billion annually, between five and 15 per cent of the Gross Domestic Product of Pacific Island economies.

In Fiji alone, petroleum products make up to 20 per cent of total imports.