
Government supports Fiji Fringe Festival

December 12, 2023 5:45 am

[Source: Ministry of Trade, Co-operatives, SMEs and Communications/ Facebook]

The Ministry of Trade is delighted to support the upcoming Fiji Fringe Festival 2024 and the business incubator programme for artists.

The incubator program will be held post Fiji Fringe Festival through a total funding support of $20,000.

Trade Minister, Manoa Kamikamica says the Festival serves as a platform that celebrates creative arts both local and international.

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Trade Minister, Manoa Kamikamica

While launching the online artist and ticket sales for the highly anticipated “Mamma Mia Festival” and “Fiji Fringe Festival” scheduled for February and March next year, Kamikamica says they are happy to support such initiatives

This will be held under the Arts Season 2024 banner.

Kamikamica says through this partnership they are demonstrating the Fiji Government’s continuous support towards the creative sector and the next generation of artists.

The Festival is set to take place at the University of the South Pacific, in Laucala Bay, Suva.