Rakiraki resort provides free accommodation

March 23, 2020 12:41 pm

A resort in Rakiraki is providing free accommodation to Lautoka residents who can’t get home due to travel restrictions in and out of the city.

A Rakiraki resort is providing free accommodation to Lautoka residents who can’t get home due to travel restrictions in and out of the city.

Many people have been left in vulnerable situations due to the COVID-19 outbreak, and Duadua Resort owner Savita Gounden says they’ve decided to provide free accommodation to people who are facing difficulties.

“At the moment we don’t have any customers coming so the resort is basically quiet at the moment so might as well, people who are in need they can use our facilities here.”

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The resort already has two guests who will be staying for 14- days.

The couple originally from Field 40 Lautoka flew in from Auckland New Zealand on Friday, were unable to reach home.

Manor Kumar says they spent few hours at the Nadi Airport on Friday and heard about Duadua Beach Resort over the weekend.

The resort can accommodate 45 people as long as they make a booking beforehand.

Fijians from the restricted zone who have nowhere to stay will be accommodated free of charge.

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