Budget 2023-24

$1b for debt servicing alone says Prasad

The coalition government’s $4.3 billion budget in the 2023–24 fiscal year will have $1 billion for debt service alone.

August 8, 2023 12:55 pm

Budget 2023-24

Domestic borrowing to cover budget deficit

The coalition government will only borrow domestically to cover 4.8 percent of the 2023–24 National budget deficit.

August 4, 2023 7:21 am

Budget 2023-24

National budget to address crucial needs: Singh

The 2023–2024 National Budget will enable the Government to balance its priorities of addressing crucial needs of the nation while attending to its debt obligations.

July 29, 2023 7:27 am

Budget 2023-24

2023-2024 National Budget passed

The 2023-24 national budget has been passed after four days of robust discussion.

July 14, 2023 7:16 am

Budget 2023-24

Government on catch-up spending: Prasad

The Coalition government is playing catch-up with necessary spending in the 2023–2024 national budget.

July 12, 2023 6:02 pm

Budget 2023-24

Budget does not address poverty: Chand

The 2023–24 National Budget does not have any innovative measures to address poverty in the country.

July 11, 2023 12:11 pm

Budget 2023-24

Recent spendathon concerning: Koya

Opposition MP Faiyaz Koya has criticized the government’s financial management, citing the largest deficit since 1992 and unnecessary debt hysteria.

July 11, 2023 12:07 pm

Budget 2023-24

Increased budget for tourism and Civil Aviation

The Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation is allocated a total budget of $52.3 million.

July 11, 2023 6:19 am

Budget 2023-24

New budget has a balanced approach: Dixon

The Fiji Revenue and Customs Service welcomes the 2023-24 National Budget saying it has taken a balanced approach.

July 6, 2023 12:26 pm

Budget 2023-24

Economic stakeholders scrutinize budget

Key economic stakeholders gathered in Suva last night to dissect the 2023–2024 National Budget.

July 6, 2023 6:45 am

Budget 2023-24

Budget is fair and well-balanced: Prasad

Finance Minister Professor Biman Prasad says the 2023-2024 National Budget is well—crafted to ensure sustained economic growth.

July 4, 2023 6:45 am

Budget 2023-24

Fertilizer subsidy to ease burden

Minister for Agriculture Vatimi Rayalu says the allocations for various sectors under the Ministry is a welcomed move.

July 2, 2023 4:54 pm

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