New Zealand

Lal called Police before he was shot dead

April 21, 2020 9:15 am

The former Fiji resident that was shot dead by Police in Auckland New Zealand yesterday morning called Police himself before his rampage. [Source: nzherald]

The former Fiji resident that was shot dead by Police in Auckland New Zealand yesterday morning called Police himself before his rampage.

New Zealand Herald reports the man known as Hitesh Lal was shot dead around 1am yesterday.

Police received 13 separate calls from worried and scared residents regarding the man’s behavior.

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He was reportedly using the machete to smash windows, damage cars and cut power lines.

The first Police responder said Lal was trying to force his way into a home when he arrived.

The officer said people were screaming for help as they were scared.

New Zealand Herald reported the officer repeatedly told the man to drop the machete and stop what he was doing, but he refused.