
Tee shirt and song released

March 16, 2022 2:35 pm

[Source: Supplied]

Fijian artists’ renowned designer, Samson Lee and Vude singer, Savuto Vakadewavosa have collaborated on a new release and a new t-shirt design.

The duo says the project has been in the pipeline for a while, brewing, and has finally come to fruition.

“Salusalu” is the title of the new t-shirt line designed by both Lee and Vakadewavosa and is also the title of their new song that they composed with a local producer, Steven Vereakula.

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Vakadewavosa and Lee say they were both nervous as they were moving outside their comfort zones. Lee in songwriting and Vakadewavosa in designing clothes.

Lee says the collaboration is to celebrate friendship, life and fusing fashion and music, bringing a design and song to life.

The song is a love letter to everyone that loves Salusalu, and the duo hopes it will rekindle our love for it and remind us of its significance and what it stands for.

Salusalu is a gift of appreciation, love, and, in this case, friendship and sharing.

Vakadewavosa says Fijians have come through some tough times as a country, so there was a need to continue to appreciate each other and share the love.