
Talks about managing Northern fish stocks

August 12, 2015 4:42 am

Fisheries stake-holders have been meeting in Labasa to discuss the future of the sector.

Commissioner Northern Jovesa Vocea led discussions about the need to manage and conserve fish stocks not only to ensure the sector’s sustainment but also to safeguard the economic payoff for the Northern division.

“The fisheries sector is very important to our nation, not only for the livelihood of our communities but the sector contribution to Fiji’s annual GDP, I have been informed at least 33% of all annual protein consumed in Fiji comes from Fish and subsistence and atinsenel fisheries contribute to at least US 59.1 million dollars to Fiji’s annual GDP.”

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The one day workshop is the largest gathering of fish wardens in the Northern division and is an opportunity for community wardens, enforcement agencies and organisations like the Wildlife Conservation Society to bridge gaps in adequately protecting tabu areas within Fiji.

The key out come has been the commitment by Fisheries and NGO’s to better equip community wardens with better education tools and training.