
Social media not the answer: Raj

June 2, 2020 4:10 pm

Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Commission Director Ashwin Raj

Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Commission Director Ashwin Raj is encouraging Fijians to lodge complaints with the Commission.

Raj says in instances where people feel their rights have been violated, formal complaints should be made to the human rights body, instead of turning to social media to vent.

“The last thing you want is you know introspection on the social media, all kinds of commentaries, because in the end, what’s really important is thorough investigation, upholding the rule of law, ensuring you know that there is compliance with human rights standards and norms and all of that. Because all of commentary on the social media is not going to give justice.”

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Raj says the Commission has seen a surge in complaints of alleged human rights violations such as domestic violence cases, sexual assault cases and inhumane evictions to name a few.

He says since the restrictions came into effect in March to counter COVID-19, there has been a general increase in social and economic issues that the human rights commission has been confronted with.