
Onus is on families: Vuniwaqa

February 13, 2019 6:52 am

Minister for Women and Children Mereseini Vuniwaqa has called on all Fijians to discuss the prevention of violence against women and children openly.

Vuniwaqa says parents should get out of the norm of Taboo and try to enlighten kids on this growing issue.

Vuniwaqa says government implements programmes to try and prevent this issue and believes the onus is on families to talk about rape and sexual assault.

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“Government has come out with a lot of laws and policies that have encouraged people to report about this topic that we hardly talk about, that we treat as a taboo, it’s not a taboo we have to talk about it every chance we get.”

Vuniwaqa says the hike in cases of sexual violence in the country is a fact and families must discuss ways to prevent this crime.