
More accessibility for Fijians with disabilities to higher education

April 5, 2019 4:06 pm

Education Minister, Rosy Akbar

Accessibility for more Fijians with disabilities to high educational institutions is now possible.

In particular, the University of the South Pacific is ensuring that their courses are better aligned for students with disabilities who are able to work with sign language interpreters and counsellors.

Education Minister, Rosy Akbar says USP is walking the talk when it comes to being inclusive.

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“Provision of assistive technologies such as braille, sense, video and read white gold and audio recorded notes are also available for students with disabilities. This no doubt adds to the abilities of our students with disabilities to succeed.”

In addition, she says the USP ensures there is a reasonable accommodation for students with special needs for lessons, course work and exams.

The Education Minister made the comments in regard to the Parliamentary Standing Committee of Social Affair’s review of USP’s 2016 annual report.

Meanwhile, 11 students with disabilities graduated in 2016 with various accreditations.