
NZ Government to tackle climate change with Pacific partners

July 31, 2018 10:40 pm

The New Zealand Government says they are trying to make a difference as changing climatic conditions are an issue not only in the Pacific but throughout the world.

New Zealand’s Minister for Climate Change James Shaw says they will be working with their Pacific partners to address the effects of climate change.

“To tackle climate change and adapt to its impacts will be a priority for over 700 million dollars of new development corporation funding that New Zealand will spend over the next four years. We want to work with our Pacific partners to find regional solutions to our shared challenges.”

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Shaw says climate change is still an issue that needs more discussions and sharing of information which is important in realizing the fight for a sustainable future.

Meanwhile, he says they have substantially increased the overall Pacific Aid budget by seven hundred and fifteen million dollars as climate change is one of the top three priorities for all the countries in the region.